
# 27

ITS SPRING!! Ok its been mixed...but when you can...feel the warm sun on your face and SMILE.

My Spring cold - it will always come...and here it is...the head, the nose, the chest, the throat. Obviously not  half as debilitating as Man Flu though - for that I am most grateful!

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...
These are a few of my favourite things for Spring
Click on the image to be taken to the shopping page...

High waisted Jeans £30 River Island

...The Circus! (this is a hint/request to those who know and love me!)
at the Roundhouse, Camden. Click here for tickets


...something funny - the Udderbelly is back on The South Bank click here for the website

To new music on the way home...
Station sessions at St Pancras till May 4th 
OK, I made this today and felt very proud of myself!
I hear Hollandaise is hard to make but I am not sure where I went right...but copy this and it should work...(its makes enough for 2 people eating 2 eggs)

1tbs White Wine Vinegar
1tbs Water
Couple of twists of Pepper
2 Eggs Yokes
125g Butter
Juice of half a Lemon

1. Simmer the vinegar, water and pepper in a thick based pan for approx 5 mins until it reduced by half. 
2. Put into a heatproof bowl and let it cool (or it will turn into scrambled eggs!)

Meanwhile you need to clarify your butter..
3. Heat the butter until it melts, turn off the heat and tip the pan until the liquid splits...keep the yellow molten butter in a cup, discard the white solids at the bottom of the pan

Once the water/vinegar has cooled...
4. Add the 2 egg yokes and whisk
5. Place the bowl over a pan of boiling water and continue to whisk as you slowly add the clarified Butter
6. Once this is thickened slightly and creamy gradually add the lemon juice and season to taste
7. Then assemble as below!
8. EAT!

Shame I missed...
The Goat Race! 
not a typo...At City Farm (Hackney) every year 2 Goats, Oxford and Cambridge, race round their farmyard to coincide with the famous boat version - get it in the diary now for next year.


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